Mack Media Productions

Ardreigh Walk, Athy, Co. Kildare

This is the listing page for Mack Media Productions located in Co. Kildare. If you are getting married in Co. Kildare why not contact Mack Media Productions to see what they can offer you for your wedding day?

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Reviews of Mack Media Productions

Getting a videographer was a serious bone of contention between my fiance and I before our wedding. In the run up, all my fiance would agree to was to get a friend to bring a camcorder and do a home-made job for us. When we discovered a week before our wedding that my sisters's camcorder was broken, I contacted several videographers to find out about the cost etc. My fiance was adamant that he did not want obtrusive cameras and lights in the church from a camera or a video guy sticking a camera in people's faces. I contacted several videograhers who were totally over the top and too expensive. When I contacted Rick Mackail, he inspired me with absolute confidence that he could do the job with the least amount of intrusion. On the day, my fiance did not have a clue where the camera was at any particular moment. Rick was utterly discreet and there were no bright lights from the camera in the church and the dvd completely surpassed our expectations when we got it. The quality was excellant and the sound was very clear and it could not have worked out better. I could not recommend Rick highly enough. You will get an absolutely professional and unobtrusive service at reasonable cost.

Cliona Wrixon
Added 15th May 2006
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