Earl of Desmond Hotel

Tralee, Co. Kerry

This is the listing page for Earl of Desmond Hotel located in Co. Kerry. If you are getting married in Co. Kerry why not contact Earl of Desmond Hotel to see what they can offer you for your wedding day?

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Reviews of Earl of Desmond Hotel

1 review
Quality of service
Yvonne Joy
Married on 16th Jul 2022
We booked our wedding in September 2020 for July 2022. when booked we got a very competitive rate and package. In March of 2022 we received notification from the hotel that they would now be unable to host our wedding due to taking the government contract for taking ukranians from the war. This left us with a short time period to find a new venue with availability for our date, re arrange everything and a much higher cost per head as we were now paying 2022 inflation prices.
It took the hotel four weeks to return our deposit and they were very unresponsive when we asked for help due to the changes. When we enquired about compensation due to cancelling our contract on short notice (as if we had cancelled there would have been a penalty payable) we were told nothing would be offered due to the humanitarian crisis ongoing.
Added 28th Jun 2023
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