Adorable Ideas to Steal For Your Wedding Flowers

Décor & Flowers

Wedding flowers don’t have to be boring. No matter what season you are getting married in, some pretty blooms can make all the difference! Wedding flowers are a gorgeous way to incorporate your wedding colour into your decor. And there are plenty of adorable ideas you can steal for your own Big Day! We’ve rounded up our absolute favourite ways we’ve seen flowers used in weddings and we know you’ll love them.


Adorable ideas to steal for your wedding flowers

A floral arch upon entrance to the church

Fleurtation Florist


Sunflower Design


Dramatic flower arrangements for the tables

Scarecrow Flowers


Miss Daisy Florist


A cascade of greenery on the tables

Aster Flowers and Events


Pretty flowers on your cake

Enchanted Flowers


Something dramatic for the aisle

The French Touch


Enchanted Wedding Company


An eye-catching ceremony backdrop

Wedding Flowers by Josephine


Ina McCarthy for Flowers


Pretty and rustic table flowers

Dooley’s Westend Flowers


A whimsical bridal bouquet

Flowers from The Secret Garden

Celines Flowers and Gifts


Balla Florists


Something special for the altar


Flowers Touch


Pretty flowers for the bridal chairs

Bloomsday Flowers


A succulent bouquet

A Room in Bloom


Clontarf Florists


Lovely pew ends

Wedding Flowers by Ruth


Something sweet to enhance signage

All About Weddings


An elegant rose bouquet

Wonderous Weddings


Magic Moment


Absolutely Fabulous Flowers


Flowers hanging from the ceiling

Arbour Blooms


A gorgeous flower wall

La Belle Fleur