Make your wedding morning a relaxed affair with these simple ideas for calm and happiness…
Have a slow get-up routine
You might waken at the crack of dawn but don’t jump out of bed in a rush. Why not have an extra little lie in and take the time to think about the day ahead and the journey you’ve been on to get to this point. If you’ve got really important tasks to do ask someone to take care of these things.
Keep things cozy and warm
Whilst it’s tempting to wear gorgeous silky gowns for your photos, make sure you keep warm and cosy! Have blankets, socks and fluffy slippers on hand to keep at chills at bay.
Pre-arrange breakfast or brunch
We bet your Mam will be keen to get her cook on but why not make sure she has the morning off by pre-arranging breakfast or brunch being delivered. There are lots of businesses who specialise in creating tasty wedding morning refreshments, or you could always enquire with your favourite local cafe or restaurant. You might think you’ll be too excited/nervous to eat, but it’s so important! The day goes by in a flash and you don’t want to feel famished once the nerves calm down.
Take your time to appreciate what’s happening but stick to a timeline
When you look back on your wedding day, we know you’ll feel as if it flew by – and it does, so make sure you savour every minute. It’s a great idea to have a morning timeline of how things should run, for example, who gets their hair and make-up done in what order.
Spend time with your family and friends
Chance’s are it’s not that often that all your nearest and dearest will be in the same place, celebrating you – enjoy this time!