Looking After Your Diamonds

Planning & Advice

There’s a pretty high chance you have dreamt of your engagement ring for quite a long time, so now that ‘he put a ring on it’ it’s time to look after it! Today we’ve a few helpful tips and advice to keep your sparkler sparkling to its best…

1. Insurance: Whether you take out an extra insurance policy or you simply add your engagement ring to your home policy, insurance is a great idea. Insuring it is in no way an extreme suggestion, you’re lovely fiancé will have worked hard to earn every last cent so make sure you treat it right.

2. Keep it on: When you find yourself in a public toilet and are faced with washing your hands, do not, (like you probably do at home) take your ring off. This is a disaster just waiting to happen, and definitely not worth the risk.

Looking after your diamond engagement ring

Engagement rings available from Stonechat Jewellers

3. Treat it well: It’s a well know fact that diamonds are the hardest natural material in the world, but this doesn’t mean they can take a bashing! Treating your ring and in particular the stone it carries with disregard could see it chipping or getting damaged. It’s got to last a lifetime, so treat it just right.

* Hollywood starlet, Elizabeth Taylor famously cleaned her jewels with hot water, gin and a toothbrush! We’re not suggesting you do the same!*

4. Don’t use harsh chemicals: After wearing your ring everyday for a while you might think its got a little dull and could do with a wash and polish. Whatever you do, do not subject it to a harsh wash in bleach or other strong chemicals. And remember when you are using bleach for housework to remove your ring and put it in it’s place. Gemstones such as sapphires and rubies plus bleach is a big big no no- they are not friends!

Looking after your diamond engagement ring

Engagement rings available from Bespoke Diamonds

5. Keep up the maintenance: Each jeweller worth their salt will offer you a maintenance check up for your ring, usually after the first year. Make sure you use this appointment where the professionals will not only give your ring a proper clean but they will check the settings are still secure… no disappearing diamonds!

6. Finally, enjoy it! This is the most important piece of jewellery you will ever own. Wear it with pride and it will last you a lifetime.