Our Favourite Romantic Rose Wedding Bouquets

Décor & Flowers

Hands up if you love roses as much as I do! Roses are delicate, pretty and super romantic. And that’s why I think they are the perfect wedding bouquet flower. Yes, you heard me, rose wedding bouquets are a thing. You don’t have to limit your rose-intake to just Valentine’s Day, you can have them at your wedding too.

Think about it, rose wedding bouquets suit any wedding style. Elegant wedding? Perfect fit. Relaxed, boho wedding? Perfect fit. Festive, Christmas wedding? Perfect fit. You could choose to have roses only or a mix of roses and other flowers and greenery. You could choose just one colour rose or go for a complementary mix of your favourite shades. There really are so many options! If you’re on the hunt for some rose wedding bouquet inspiration, you’re in the right place!

Quick links {Wedding Flowers} {How to choose your wedding style and colours} {Rose gold and pink bridesmaids dresses}




Miss Daisy Florist


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