Protecting Your Mental Health While Planning Your Wedding

Articles, Planning & Advice

Anybody who’s ever planned a wedding will tell you that there are times when things just get super stressful. Whether it’s the budget, the endless to-do list or awkward family dynamics – we’ve all been there. Since it’s Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re talking about protecting your mental health while planning your wedding.

The reality is… your wedding doesn’t have to take over your whole life. You can incorporate some good practices into your daily and weekly routine to ground yourself. Take a look at these guided meditations, affirmations and wellness practices to help your mental health while wedding planning.


A Guided Meditation

If you are planning your wedding and you’re feeling stressed, then this podcast episode is just for you. It doesn’t matter where you’re at in your wedding planning journey, wedding planning stress is real. Listen to this guided meditation for wedding stress: we’ll go through some visualisations, wedding-specific affirmations and the 3-4-5 breathing technique. You’ve got this!

Part of the episode will include a little bit of breathing, some affirmations and a guided meditation of sorts. I’m not an expert in calming down, but I do believe that every couple has the tools and skills needed to plan their own wedding. So I know you can do this!

Ways To Be Fully Present On Your Wedding Day

Almost every single newlywed couple we speak with shares the same thing with us: “The day just flies by!”. They’re not wrong. After spending months – or even years – planning the perfect wedding day, it all goes by in a flash. But there is something you can do about it! There are ways you can be fully present on your wedding day. Take a look at our list…


Manifesting The ‘Perfect’ Wedding

A ‘perfect’ wedding will mean entirely different things to each of us. That’s why it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself what’s really important for your big day. Yoga Parties shared some manifestation tips and wedding affirmations to help you on your wedding journey.


Taking a few moments a day to visualise what your ‘perfect’ day will look like can help focus your intentions and make your dreams a reality. Manifesting the perfect wedding involves visualising and setting intentions, practising gratitude, and taking practical steps to make it happen.


Here are the main steps you can follow:


Visualisation: Imagine every detail of your dream wedding, from the venue and decorations to the people you want to be there.

Set Intentions: Write down your intentions for the wedding, focusing on what you want to experience and how you want to feel.


Positive Affirmations: Repeat affirmations daily to reinforce positive beliefs about your wedding and your ability to manifest it.

An example of some wedding affirmations are: “My day is running smoothly and I’m so happy.” –  “I’m surrounded by people who love me.” – “This is the start of a beautiful journey.”


Gratitude Practice: Be grateful for what you already have in your relationship and for the things that are yet to come, including your perfect wedding.


Take Action: While manifestation is powerful, taking practical steps is essential. Plan and organise your wedding, making decisions that align with your vision.

Stay Open: Remain open to unexpected opportunities and possibilities that may arise during the planning process.


Trust the Process: Have faith that the universe is working in your favour and that your perfect wedding will come true.


You can watch Yoga Parties’ video for manifestation tips: