Queer couples, if you’ve ever looked at wedding ceremony scripts and readings, you may feel like they don’t totally fit. Things like “I now pronounce you man and wife” only make sense for some couples. We’ve gathered some beautiful same sex wedding ceremony script ideas to suit all couples. We’ve even broken them down into greetings, declaration of intent, exchanging the rings, and the pronouncement. So, for each aspect of your wedding ceremony, here are some beautiful ways to adjust the language so it fits with your relationship!
Featured image credit: Laura and Benny Photography
A greeting
We love how a solemniser or celebrant can set the tone for the whole ceremony with an appropriate greeting. Here are some fabulous same sex wedding script greetings to choose from:
Declaration of intent
This is the part where you get to make some pretty incredible promises to one another!
Exchanging of rings
During this moment, while exchanging rings, you get to make more promises to love and cherish one another.
Here are some creative ways to make the announcement for your same sex wedding ceremony!