Wedding Planning and Communication: How To Avoid Awkward Moments With All Parties Involved

Articles, Planning & Advice

Good communication is crucial for successful wedding planning! Here’s why: it helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page. So, whether you’re wanting to preserve your friendships, your relationships with your soon-to-be in-laws, or you want to make sure you’re on the same page as your professional suppliers, keep on reading.

Here are some super practical ways you can prioritise good communication with everybody involved in your wedding:


Establish Clear Channels

Decide on the primary communication channels you’ll use, such as email, phone calls, messaging apps, or even a dedicated wedding planning platform. Make sure everyone knows where to find and share information. You might want to use emails for supplier communications and a group chat for family wedding planning, for example.


Create a Contact List

Compile a contact list of all key individuals involved in the planning, including your suppliers, wedding party, family, and anyone else contributing to your wedding. Share this list with all parties involved.


Set Expectations

Clearly communicate your expectations for communication frequency, preferred methods, and response times. This will help everybody know how and when to reach out.


Designate a Point of Contact

Designate one person from your side and one person from your partner’s side to be the main points of contact. This will help streamline communication and avoid confusion. It will also come in handy closer to the Big Day when requests are more frequent!


Use Technology

Utilise shared calendars and collaborative tools to keep everyone informed about important dates, appointments, and tasks.


Regular Updates

Schedule regular check-ins with your wedding party, suppliers, and family members to provide updates on the planning progress and address any concerns.


Be Responsive

Respond promptly to messages and inquiries from all parties. This shows that you value their input and helps keep the planning process moving forward.


Open Communication

Encourage open and honest communication. Let everyone know that their opinions and ideas are valued and that you’re open to suggestions.


Share Information

Keep everyone informed about important details, changes, and decisions. Share any updates that might impact their role or responsibilities. You might want to communicate some information in person, while other details can be shared via your agreed methods of communication.


Delegate Tasks

Assign specific tasks or responsibilities to various individuals involved in the planning. This ensures that everyone knows their role and reduces the chances of duplication or confusion.


Create a Timeline

Share a detailed timeline of the wedding planning process, including key milestones, deadlines, and important events. This helps everyone stay organised and aligned.


Handle Conflicts Diplomatically

If conflicts arise, address them calmly and diplomatically. Aim for solutions that are fair and considerate of everyone’s feelings.


Show Appreciation

Express gratitude for the efforts of all parties involved in the planning. A little appreciation goes a long way in maintaining positive communication.


Featured image credit: Theodoro Photography