Wedding Wednesday: How To Make It Easy For Guests To RSVP [Episode 78]


We’re at the final episode in our three week series all about wedding invitations. Today we’ll share some really helpful and practical ways you can get RSVPs in from your guests! 


  1. What should go on your wedding invitations – listen here
  2. Wedding invitation etiquette – listen here
  3. How to make it easy for guests to RSVP

Listen right till the end to hear a really awkward wedding invitation story and something you definitely don’t want to repeat – the only way I can describe it is diabolical. 



Episode breakdown

Make it easy

And we mean for you and for your guests! Here are a few ways you can make the whole RSVP process easier:

Go digital: Create a free Gmail account and use that for all your wedding-related correspondence, including RSVPs. Having it all in one place means you don’t have to switch between platforms to gather RSVPs. Being online also means it’s easier and more convenient for guests to respond.

Envelopes: If you’d like guests to respond by mail, be sure to include an envelope in your invitation pack. Make sure it’s already stamped and pre-addressed. Then all your guests need to do is fill out the RSVP card and pop the envelope in the post box.


Be direct

It may seem obvious, but tell your guests exactly what you’re asking them to do. You want to make it as easy as possible for your guests to understand the steps they need to take. Do they need to send an email? Tell them. Would you like them to confirm their meal choice upon RSVP? Tell them.


Time it perfectly

If you give guests too much time to respond, they may put your invitation aside and forget to RSVP. If you don’t give them enough time, you’ll start to put too much pressure on yourself and your timeline. This is what we recommend: send your invitations six weeks before the Big Day. Then ask guests to RSVP three weeks before. This will give them three weeks to receive the invitation and respond promptly. It also gives you time to follow up with anybody who hasn’t responded yet.

Send invitations: 6 weeks before the wedding

RSVP date: 3 weeks before the wedding

Final numbers to caterer / venue: 2 weeks before the wedding


Here’s a suggested timeline with some date examples:

Wedding date: 3rd May 2024

The date you need to give a final headcount to suppliers: 19th April 2024

RSVP date on the invitation: 12th April 2024 (or 10th!)

Invitations get sent out: 22nd March 2024


Make your RSVP date prominent

You can’t expect guests to RSVP on time if they don’t know what on time is. Have your RSVP date stated clearly on your invitations and on your website. Better yet, make it a nice round number (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 31st, for example) and it’ll be memorable.


Keep it fun

Here’s one way you can get your guests to respond promptly: make it fun! Instead of “Yes, can attend” or “No, can’t attend”, how about “Heck yes!” or “See you on the dance floor!”. Additionally, why not ask guests to submit their favourite song to dance to or their best piece of marriage advice. This will give them something fun to share with you!


Bonus: Don’t do this awkward thing I saw!

A friend of mine was invited to a wedding which would be about a four hour drive away from where she lives – already not ideal, but not a dealbreaker. 

On the invitation, right under all the key information, there was a line that said something to the effect of: “Your wedding dinner costs us about X so please purchase a wedding gift for us of the same value or more.”

NOTE: If you want guests to be excited to attend your wedding and to RSVP with a big YES, asking for money on your invitation is just not okay (especially in this way). There’s nothing wrong with requesting financial gifts or directing people to your wedding registry, but this is what a wedding website is for. 

And please don’t ask guests to give you anything valued at a specific amount – it’s just tacky.