Fitness Together

8 Appian Way, , Ranelagh, , Co. Dublin

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Reviews of Fitness Together

Amy Huberman
I joined Fitness Together almost three years ago and I can honestly say it was life-changing. Before I joined I was nearly allergic to exercise, going for a brisk walk, or attending the odd, very infrequent yoga class was about as far as I was willing to push myself. I'd also convinced myself that I was just not a sporty person so what was the point? When someone suggested I join Fitness Together, I thought I was going to hate it, but within a few short weeks I ended up loving it! Unlike a regular gym where you would be left to your own devices, you get personalised one to one training in Fitness Together, which I have found invaluable! The trainers are so enthusiastic and supportive and genuinely care about your progress and general health. Their enthusiasm is infectious, and once you really start noticing the difference it's difficult not to get enthusiastic about it too.

For me personally, it wasn't really a weight issue, although I did certainly drop a few pounds when I started, it was far more about feeling fitter, stronger, healthier and more toned. It had such a positive knock-on effect in my life that I really couldn't imagine not having it! It helped me address my overall well-being, my diet and even my posture. It is also the greatest motivator in the world to be booked into a fitness session, knowing you can't really cancel and let the trainer down, so it really is a brilliant incentive. If it was left to me to go the gym off my own bat I would honestly never go! Amy Huberman Thanks to all at Fitness Together for your encouragement, support and enthusiasm
Added 11th Jul 2013
Michele Goode
April 2010 was a turning point in my life. Swimming is my passion but despite training 3 times a week, I was overweight, my back was sore and my diet was terrible. I called FT, spoke with Carl and I've been training with the fabulous John and Stephen since then. I like to train hard and have a laugh and the boys facilitate that in spades. They are professional, know my limits and abilities better than I do and NEVER let me throw in a sneaky break or short cut! Carl keeps a close eye on my weight and diet and taught me to think before I eat. Similarly, he knows all the excuses! It's been a year of personal highs and lows. I lost 34 pounds of fat, my swimming improved and my back feels great. I qualified for the World Masters Swimming Championships in Italy! This, against the backdrop of my Fathers long battle with illness. Sadly he died 3 weeks before competition but during that difficult time, the FT team provided the right balance of support, motivation and training to get me through. I went to Italy, swam personal best times and carried my form through to the regular sea swimming competitions at home. I feel better, fitter and stronger than I've felt for a long time and I'm smarter about the foods I eat. I'm so grateful to the FT team and I can't recommend them highly enough. Michele Goode I feel better, fitter and stronger than I've felt for a long time
Added 3rd Jul 2013
Lisa Cannon
?Another year over and a new one just begun??. The lyrics of the song from John Lennon rang through my ears as I looked down at my rather large pot, post-Christmas gorge belly and sighed. This has been a long pattern for the last number of years and I was determined that 2011 was not going to beat me with the all too familiar disappointment of starting a ?diet? only for it to fail in February. Granted, I am on Television and I probably should be according to the ideal ?.slimmer, but I ain't! I have what I like to fondly call the Irish Rubenesque Figure or what my Mum used to call it, The Milkmaid! Yes, I have the quintessential curvy figure and for years because of my height and my large chest, you often can look portly or perhaps pudgy! Eitherway, I have, like many battled with my weight, whether it was over indulging at Christmas or on Holidays or just in general, to the Monday diet of ?No carbs til Saturday!? only to falter on the Tuesday and retreat into a haze of pasta and toast slathered in butter! No doubt, I LOVE my grub and it has to be said so does everyone else. But it has taken me YEARS to find out that because I am petit 5ft 3? I can't afford to carry too many extra pounds and not only can the Milkmaid effect take full flight but more importantly I wasn't too happy about the extra muffintop either! So, when 2011 rolled round I decided enough is enough and I sought the help of Carl from Fitness Together who has put me on the straight and narrow. I can safely say that I have boxed my way to a fitter me, healthier me and all round happier me. I started boxing twice a week and it's made me feel like a female Rocky, cue music!.... So although I am on the TV and can see myself back, I now don't recoil with horror, Its kinda ok what I see, wobbly bits and all!

I found that exercising with Carl and the team over the past few weeks has given me a lot of confidence. I am more aware of what I put into my body and take my health more seriously. I have come to understand my limits physically and have seen a DRAMATIC difference in my shape and stance and posture. I know that there are people like me that loathe exercise especially when you have to drive 45mins out of your way to do 1 session ( Hello!) but I pushed myself and didn't give in in the February like so many years before, this year was different for some reason and I'm now onto April? Yippee!! I think it's that the team are so wonderful, they care and respect you. They are not easy on you, but it's fun, energetic, kick some ass kind of exercise and Carl really makes you believe you can do it? and you can just like me!! One of my favourite pieces of inspirational and motivational quotes for 2011 is?? The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment - Own it!' Lisa x As they say in Showbiz ? Break a Leg!!
Added 1st Jul 2013
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