Here’s Your ‘Night Before The Wedding’ Checklist

Planning & Advice

You’ve finally made it to the night before the wedding and you’ve probably started feeling pre-wedding jitters! Here’s a list of 10 things to do the night before the wedding:

1. Pack your wedding night bag – make sure you’ve got everything you’ll need and put it in the car that will bring it to your reception venue. 

2. Lay everything out – your dress, your underwear, toiletries, headpiece, shoes and jewellery. 

3. Remove any labels or tags from everything for you and your bridesmaids’ attire. 

4. Delegate someone to answer your phone on the wedding morning while you are getting ready. Chances are most people will know it’s your wedding day but just to be on the safe side in case any last minute suppliers need info. 

5. Double check your wedding rings if they haven’t already been given to the Best Man. Write and fill all envelopes for suppliers who are to be paid on the day. 

6. Eat a delicious meal that you enjoy, take time cooking it and enjoy the process. 

7. Double check your hairstylist, makeup artist, photographer and car supplier know how to get to your house. Sending a dropped pin from your Maps app is a very useful tool. 

8. Put your phone away. Put it on silent and avoid scrolling late into the night! 

9. Do your nighttime skincare routine and get to bed in good time. There’s a good chance you’ll be excited but getting a good night’s sleep will definitely help! 

10. Relax, enjoy the moment and get excited for what tomorrow will bring! 


Main image credit: Laura and Benny Photography