Add A Touch Of Sweetness To Your Day


Sweet tables and carts are a big deal this year! They are kooky, child and adult friendly, a little bit nostalgic and fun and can be worked into any theme. Here are a few beautiful sweet table ideas you are welcome to adapt to suit your wedding, as well as a few other quirky ways to add an extra sprinkling of sweetness to your day…

ladree inspired  *Please note, we will not be held responsible for the sugar highs!*

Hosting a vintage classy do? The above Laduree inspired sweet table is elegant and charming with filled china cups, jewellery boxes and pretty jellied sweets.



Retro is always a good choice for weddings. Think old time sweets from your childhood; Love hearts, Sherbet dips, Millions etc etc, you get the point! If you are going DIY choose different sized, height and shaped containers. Glass jars work brilliantly and look very cool!

paper bagsDon’t forget to stock up on quirky paper bags for authentic sweet shop style!

macaroonsPretty pretty macaroons make for a great talking point. Stunning at a chic Parisian themed day.

You could always save yourself a few quid by setting up a dessert table for your guests to help themselves instead of a third course dessert on your wedding menu. This will save you on one course and you could ask your family and friends to contribute with a sweet dessert of their choice.

dessert table

Has your groom a touch of Homer Simpson about him?! He’ll love this donut table then!

donout table


ice cream

What child would not love a popcorn or candy floss cart at a wedding?! I know, the adults will love them just as much!!



A balmy summer wedding celebration can make use of a cool ice cream cart! We love the idea of offering this fresh creamy treat as a post ceremony refreshment.



ice cream

You could always turn your reception into a Willy Wonka’s factory with edible table centres!!

table centre

And why not end your day with these cool wedding favours…



Or give your guests a sweet midnight snack, complete with fizzy pop and cookie or brownie. Just remember to make a few nut free versions for allergy sufferers.

midnight snack

What do you think? We love these sweet ideas! 


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