Wedding Wednesdays: How To Plan The Perfect Destination Wedding [Episode 102]

Articles, Podcast

It’s destination wedding planning time! If you want to plan the perfect destination wedding, then this is for you – we’re talking about all the practical steps to take, including tasks you can do and tasks your wedding planning will do for you. 

A HUGE thank you to Moments by Elisa and James from Visit Malta for joining me today and sharing expert advice.



Choose your location:

  • You should visit the location before you make your final decision – don’t make bookings sight unseen. 
  • Understand the passport and visa requirements – do you want your guests going through a ton of paperwork before your wedding?
  • Familiarise yourself with local cultural events and religious holidays which may make your destination extra busy. 
  • Research the local weather patterns so you pick a great time. 
  • Be prepared for language barriers. 


Get help from the pros!

Michelle asked: How important is a wedding planner if you book with a venue directly?

I spoke with Elisa from Moments by Elisa and asked her to explain this in more detail. Here’s what she said:


  1. Expertise and local knowledge – they have experience with planning events in your wedding location, including things like local customs. 
  2. Vendor communications – this includes caterers, florists, photographers and more. Your planner will ensure that everyone is on the same page!
  3. Creative vision – they are skilled at creating unique wedding experiences. 
  4. Logistical support – creating timelines and handling last minute changes – this will allow you to relax and enjoy your wedding day. 
  5. Problem-solving – if any issues should arise, they are there to troubleshoot and find a solution. 


While booking a venue directly is a good start, having a wedding planner by your side can elevate your entire wedding experience! 


Plan your visits:

I spoke with James from Visit Malta and asked him about a destination wedding planning timeline. How many times should a couple visit their destination before the Big Day and what types of tasks should they be doing during those visits?


Here’s what he said:

It’s entirely up to you but you should visit at least once!

Here are some tasks:

  • Have a face to face meeting with the wedding planner in your location
  • Walk around the venue
  • Do a food tasting
  • Connect with as many of your suppliers as possible (caterer, florist, musicians etc) – you’ll learn about seasonal ingredients, floral species, the local products etc
  • Visit local restaurants and hotels where you could host friends and family who are coming out for your wedding

Plan extra events:

Add the finishing touches to a perfect destination wedding by planning some extra events. Things like:

A welcome party (could be as simple as a BBQ)

Interactive activities like a tour of the location

A post-wedding brunch or a Day 2 party


If you don’t have the stamina to plan or even enjoy all of the above in addition to your wedding, then provide your guests with a list of places they can explore in their own time while they’re at your destination. 


BONUS: Destination wedding FAQs

When should I have my destination wedding? 

This depends on your schedule, the season you want to get married in and the location you’ve chosen! If you’re getting married somewhere popular and you don’t mind the location being busy, then a peak time like May, June, July or August is great. 


When should I tell my guests about the destination wedding?

You should aim to get Save The Dates out 12 months before the wedding and official invitations out 3 to 4 months ahead. 


Who pays for accommodation for guests?

Etiquette suggests that guests should cover their own travel and accommodation costs. That said, it’s helpful if you provide location options and discount codes where possible. If you book a hotel block, make it clear that each guest will still need to reserve their room within that block.