Gillian Edgeworth Hair Studio

3 Cows Lane,, Temple Bar

This is the listing page for Gillian Edgeworth Hair Studio located in Co. Dublin. If you are getting married in Co. Dublin why not contact Gillian Edgeworth Hair Studio to see what they can offer you for your wedding day?

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Reviews of Gillian Edgeworth Hair Studio

Thanks so much to Sarah who did such an amazing job with my hair for my wedding. The style stayed in all day and you made me feel very relaxed and very happy on my wedding day. Highly recommend you to any new bride. I had my hair down and had photos outside and the style was perfect the whole day. Thanks a lot. Mary 2014
Added 7th Oct 2014
Angela Gaynor
A fabulous team. put me completely at ease and made me feel as if I was the only bride in the World. By the time I left the beautiful salon (at my trial hairdo) I was completely confident and delighted with the results and suggestions Gillian and her crew made. Brilliant experience with no hitches whatsoever.
Added 21st Nov 2012
Was in the salon last week getting the QOD treatment done! Everyone was so friendly and the treatment is great. My hair is so easy to manage and looks great! Would highly recommend.
Added 19th Oct 2012
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