
Wedding Wednesday: What To Do The Night Before Your Wedding [Episode 70]

It’s the night before your wedding and you’re getting ready to tie the knot! This is such an exciting time and you’re probably a bundle of nerves. To make sure you are fully prepared for your Big Day, take a listen to this list of things to do the night before your wedding…

Wedding Wednesday: Answering Your Questions – Part One [Episode 69]

Today we are covering wedding dress shopping, last minute invitations, capturing the wedding from the perspective of the guests and creating a wedding sparkler moment!

Wedding Wednesday: How To Choose Your Wedding Celebrant [Episode 68]

Welcome to the world of wedding planning! Your wedding ceremony is a huge part of your Big Day because that’s the moment you will exchange vows, declare your love and make special promises to your Other Half in front of your friends and family. Because this is so important, you’ve got lots to think about when choosing your celebrant. 

Wedding Wednesday: How To Choose Your Live Wedding Band [Episode 67]

If you are trying to choose your live wedding band, but you’re not sure where to start, then this is for you! Today I’m joined by three amazing wedding bands who will pop in throughout the episode and help us with expert advice on how to choose your wedding band. 

Wedding Wednesday: How To Choose Your Wedding Photographer [Episode 66]

Did you know that out of everyone you’ll interact with on your wedding day, you are most likely to spend the MOST time with your photographer! Wondering how to choose your wedding photographer? Check this out!

Wedding Wednesday: How To Choose Your Wedding Venue [Episode 65]

Welcome to the world of wedding planning! One of the biggest decisions you’ll make is choosing your wedding venue. This is where you’ll host the celebrations and what you choose will determine not just your location, but it’ll solidify your date, help to piece together your theme, and so much more. 

Wedding Wednesday: 30 Days To Go – Here’s Your Final Wedding Checklist [Episode 64]

It’s the final countdown! With just 30 days to go, here is your final wedding checklist, with 20 items to do in the lead in to your Big Day. This list will help you feel on top of all the admin and fully in charge of your to-do list. 

Wedding Wednesday: A Guided Meditation For Wedding Stress [Episode 63]

Listen to this guided meditation for wedding stress: we’ll go through some visualisations, wedding-specific affirmations and the 3-4-5 breathing technique. You’ve got this!

Wedding Wednesday: How To Deal With Bad Weather On Your Wedding Day [Episode 62]

Don’t let bad weather on your wedding day ruin the fun! There are a number of very practical things you can do to make sure you (and your guests) have the best day ever, even if it’s raining or insanely hot.

Wedding Wednesday: Our Wedding Story – Part Two [Episode 61]

This is part two of sharing our wedding story! My husband joined me for both parts, where we talked all about how we planned our wedding and all the things we did. Listen right till the end to hear our regrets and what we would’ve done differently. 

Wedding Wednesday: Our Wedding Story – Part One [Episode 60]

After a little over a year of hosting the Wedding Wednesday podcast, I realised I’d never shared my wedding story! So, join me and my special guest (my husband, Glen) as we share our wedding story. In this episode we talked about our theme and colours, how difficult it was to find a wedding venue, the decor and flowers, our budget and how we planned our wedding together. Part two is out next week! 

Wedding Wednesday: What To Do If You Can’t Afford The Wedding You Want [Episode 59]

You may already have a secret Pinterest board with all the ideas you’ve got brimming in your mind. And now that you’ve worked out how much money you’ve got to spend on your dream wedding, you’ve realised that you can’t afford the wedding you want! So what do you do?

Wedding Wednesday: How To Write The ‘About Us’ Part Of Your Wedding Website [Episode 58]

The ‘About Us’ part of your website is one of the most fun parts, but equally one of the most challenging to write! You may feel the temptation to skip it altogether, but please don’t. This is a fabulous way of telling your guests a little more about you as a couple, to share your story and keep the focus on you and your love. 

Wedding Wednesday: FAQs To Include In Your Wedding Website [Episode 57]

FAQ stands for ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. It’s a fantastic trick to make sure you aren’t individually answering questions 100 times. It’s a place where guests can go to find the answers to their questions before texting or calling you. It really is a game changer!

Wedding Wednesday: Everything You Should Put On Your Wedding Website [Episode 56]

A wedding website presents an opportunity to communicate the information that simply doesn’t fit on a wedding invitation! Not sure what should go on yours? Take a listen to this episode where I break down everything you should put on your wedding website.

Wedding Wednesday: This Is The Correct Order To Choose Your Wedding Suppliers [Episode 55]

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions you’ve got to make, I don’t blame you. However, if you’re making wedding planning decisions in the right order, you’ll stay sane and you won’t be as stressed. Take a listen to this episode, where I break down the correct order to choose your wedding suppliers (spoiler: there are a few things you’ve got to do before you even start booking!). 

Wedding Wednesday: Our Guide To Wedding Supplier Meals [Episode 54]

Your wedding suppliers will absolutely love bringing your dreams to life and creating the perfect day for you! Part of that will involve many of them being up on their feet for hours at a time, making sure everything runs smoothly. And at some point, they’re going to need to refuel. And this is where wedding supplier meals come in!

Wedding Wednesdays: First Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas – Podcast Anniversary Episode [Episode 53]

The Wedding Wednesdays podcast turns one! To celebrate, we’re talking about First Wedding Anniversaries. Grab some Prosecco and take a listen to these fabulous gift ideas (both traditional and modern).

Wedding Wednesday: How To Plan An Instagram-Worthy Wedding [Episode 52]

An Instagram-worthy wedding is not about planning a wedding that only looks good, but creating opportunities for guests to capture beautiful moments that look good and are meaningful! This is about making it easy for guests to enjoy the moment, take photos and videos of it too, so you can enjoy seeing your wedding from their perspective. 

Wedding Wednesday: Three Things Every Groom Needs To Know [Episode 51]

Whether you are an incredibly hands-on groom or you’re the type to let your Other Half do the planning and you’ll just show up on the day… there are still some key things a groom needs to know!
