Humanist Weddings – What Are They & Why Have One?

Legal & Ceremony

There are so many different types of wedding ceremonies and ways to celebrate your wedding! You’ll see lots of beautiful humanist weddings here on weddingsonline and you might be wondering what they are. Well, a humanist wedding ceremony is a non-religious celebration that can be described as inclusive, welcoming and personalised to the couple. Should you have one? If that’s what you’re asking, carry on reading…

Featured image credit: Denlo Photography

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It can be non-traditional

Couples who are a little outside the box and non-traditional may love the idea of humanist weddings. That’s because you can be creative about what you want to include in your ceremony! Couples who like bits of different types of ceremonies, while not fitting neatly into one type, can pick and choose. If you’re looking for ways to include the things you value the most, a bespoke ceremony is right up your alley.


You can get married anywhere

Have you always dreamed of saying ‘I do’ on a beach? Or perhaps you’ve got a sweet coffee shop you’d love to tie the knot in. The beauty of humanist weddings is that you can get married anywhere you like!


Lots of personalised moments

With humanist weddings, there are no prescribed words that have to be included. This means your ceremony can be completely personalised to you! We’ve seen beautiful ceremonies where couples included readings and poems that are special to them.


Involve others

Sure, your Big Day will centre around you, but you can include your nearest and dearest in the festivities. You can find beautiful ways to include your family, your kids, your pets and your friends in the ceremony.


Find out more about Humanist Weddings, other ceremony types and who can legally marry you here!