The Top 5 Wedding Podcast Episodes Of 2023

Planning & Advice, Podcast

In June 2022, we launched the ‘Wedding Wednesdays with weddingsonline’ podcast. Every week, we release a brand new episode – Wednesdays at 3pm! Want to know which episodes were your favourites this year? Well, here are the top 5 wedding podcast episodes of 2023:


#5: How to choose your wedding style and colours (episode 33)

Some of the first questions you will be asked as a newly engaged couple are: “Have you set a date?” and “What colours have you chosen?”. If you’ve even peeked at Pinterest, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the volume of colour palettes and styles to choose from. Today we’re going to walk you through a list of questions you can ask as you determine your wedding style. This way, you will be able to create a wedding aesthetic that you love! So, put Pinterest away for a little while and follow our steps on how to choose your wedding style and colours.

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#4: Wedding expenses you may not have thought of (episode 37)

It’s no surprise that there are lots and lots of things to think about when planning your wedding. While planning, there will be a few wedding expenses you might not be prepared for. Things like what to wear to your hen party, what to do if you want to continue the party later than the agreed upon time, paying for postage for wedding invitations and more. We’ve created a list of all the wedding expenses you might not be prepared for, so you can factor them in!

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#3: Planning your wedding morning timeline (episode 43)

Do you want to wake up at 5:00 on your wedding day? Didn’t think so! So how do you make sure that the whole wedding party, both sets of parents, and the couple are all ready by the time guests are seated?
A wedding morning timeline will ensure that everybody is ready and that you all feel relaxed, refreshed and ready for the best day of your life! So here, it is; expert tips on how to plan your wedding morning timeline so you aren’t frazzled, stressed or late for your own wedding.


#2: What should bridesmaids REALLY expect to pay for? (episode 38)

Being a bridesmaid is always an honour, and also a financial responsibility. Sometimes the bride pays for everything and other times it’s the bridesmaids. Usually, with clear communication, awkward situations can be avoided at all costs! You might be wondering, what should bridesmaids really expect to pay for? Today we are covering it all!

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#1: Your guide to wedding speeches (episode 41)

For most people, wedding speeches don’t come naturally. Standing in front of a large group of people to deliver a speech sounds like a very daunting task for most of us! We’ve rounded up some handy tips for those delivering a speech and for couples too.

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