Why Pay More for a Wedding Photographer When You Can Pay Less?


Post by Daniel–Award Wedding Photographer www.dkphoto.ie

An Honest Insight

Lately, I’ve heard many horror stories from my friends in the wedding industry—makeup artists, videographers, and hairdressers—about newbie wedding photographers at weddings. So, I wanted to share some honest thoughts on why you should think twice before opting for a cheaper wedding photographer.



The Hidden Costs of Cheap Wedding Photography

1. Experience Matters

A seasoned photographer does more than take pictures. They help with timelines, suggest when to get dressed, and advise on the best times and places for photos. Without experience, you risk a chaotic, rushed day, turning your wedding into a stressful event.

2. A Relaxed Wedding Day

Do you want to spend quality time with your family and friends? An inexperienced wedding photographer might keep you busy for hours trying to get “good enough” shots, leaving you stressed and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Expect to feel less confident and relaxed if your photographer is inexperienced.

3. Family Photos

Experienced wedding photographers know how to quickly and efficiently handle family photos. Without this expertise, you could end up waiting around, missing out on special moments, anddealing with poorly posed pictures. Posing issues can lead to photos where no one looks their best.



4. Morning Schedule

A knowledgeable wedding photographer helps manage the morning timeline, reducing stress for everyone. Inexperienced ones might cause unnecessary rushing and anxiety. I’ve heard countless horror stories from makeup artists about chaotic wedding mornings due to unorganized photographers.

5. Wedding Ceremony Etiquette

There are stories of photographers disrupting ceremonies—priests asking them to leave or videographers laying on altars. This happens due to a lack of experience and understanding of respectful behaviour and finding good angles quickly. Imagine a videographer running after the bride to stop her from lighting candles because his camera wasn’t ready—these things happen.



6. Bad Weather – Rain and Wedding Photos

Rain or wet ground can be tricky. An experienced wedding photographer knows how to handle bad weather, ensuring your dress stays clean and your photos look great, regardless of the conditions. Inexperienced wedding photographers may not know how to work in these conditions, potentially ruining your wedding dress and photos.

7. Venue Challenges

Some venues are difficult to work with due to tight schedules and tricky locations. Experienced photographers can navigate these challenges, while inexperienced ones might cause delays, making you miss parts of your reception. Dragging entire families to unsuitable photo locations can take ages.

8. First Look – Wedding day

Capturing the “first look” moment requires skill to make it flow naturally. Inexperienced wedding photographers might ruin the moment or damage your dress before the ceremony. Don’t expect a cheap wedding photographer to know how to handle this special moment seamlessly.



9. Photo Backup

Cheap photographers often lack the resources for proper backups. They might rely on a single memory card, risking your precious photos. Professional photographers invest in multiple backups to protect your photos, including NAS clouds and instant backups. Also, cameras have double memory card slots for instant backup – those cameras are expensive!

10. Booking Systems – double bookings

Professional photographers use booking systems to avoid double bookings and help couples plan their weddings. This system is costly but ensures a smooth experience. Many posts in closed photographer groups ask for help due to double bookings—something I never deal with, thanks to my booking system.



11. Who’s Really Shooting Your Wedding?

Sometimes, cheaper wedding photographers outsource the job to someone with little experience. This can lead to disappointing results. You might book someone only to have them hire a €500 shooter with a €800 camera and no experience.

12. Wedding Photo Delivery

Cheap photographers might only provide USBs, which can fail over time. Professionals ensure your photos are safe in multiple ways, protecting your memories for years. If anything goes wrong, you could lose your photos forever. I don’t deliver USBs because they give a false sense of security—learn how to keep your photos safe here.



13. Backup Gear

Experienced photographers carry multiple cameras and lenses to handle any situation. Cheaper ones likely won’t have this backup, risking missed moments if equipment fails. Imagine someone without backup cameras and lenses trying to cover your wedding—a disaster waiting to happen.

14. Shooting in RAW

Professionals shoot in RAW for better control over light and colour, requiring more editing skills and time. This results in higher-quality photos. Some photographers shoot just JPEGs to save time, but this sacrifices quality.



15. Continuous Learning

Professional photographers invest in workshops and training to improve their skills, reflecting their work quality. This continuous learning is expensive but crucial for delivering the best results.


When I started as a wedding photographer, I also did cheaper weddings to learn. But the key is understanding the importance of a stress-free day and photos you’ll cherish forever.

Don’t let someone know at the expense of your wedding day.



Quality costs, but it’s worth it for the peace of mind and beautiful memories.

You can’t go back in time, and many people regret choosing a cheap photographer. Memories after the wedding will stay with you forever, just like your photos. Enjoy planning your wedding, and choose wisely!

Happy wedding planning!


Would you like to book a photographer for your wedding day? Call us now at 087 780 7297or by emailcontact.