Beech Hill Country House

32 Ardmore Road, Londonderry BT47 3QP, United Kingdom, Co. Derry

This is the listing page for Beech Hill Country House located in Co. Derry. If you are getting married in Co. Derry why not contact Beech Hill Country House to see what they can offer you for your wedding day?

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Reviews of Beech Hill Country House

Married on 17th Nov 2022
It was amazing wedding organised by our best friends (Chloe and Joe) ! As a chief bridesmaid I want to say THANK YOU to InkPretty Wedding, Clontarf Florist (amazing bouquets were delivered to the brie and the bridesmaids, Andy - Magician, Dressarte Paris for custom dresses and The Millhouse for a bridal shower.
Added 30th Dec 2022
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